Meatco’s Mobile Slaughter Unit (MSU) is tailored to the unique circumstances of our communal producers in the NCA and aims to bring slaughtering services closer to farmers in the area.
In this way Meatco continues to maintain its statutory obligation and address operational losses which have accrued in running the northern abattoirs which was not economically viable as prescribed by the Act. Meatco’s lease agreement to manage the NCA abattoirs on behalf of MAWF expired on 4 March 2016. Meatco gave in October 2015 MAWF notice that we will not extend the agreement due to the huge losses that Meatco and its producers have carried for the last 23 years in the NCA. Meatco Board made it very clear that Meatco will retain it’s presence within the NCA but in the New Business Model that makes business sense and whereby Meatco can deliver a service to its current members in the NCA area.
This new Mobile Slaughter Unit (MSU) will target the local market and therefore, the products will only be for local consumption.
The MSU will comply with the procedures of the Health regulations applicable to Directorate Veterinary Services and be registered as a C class abattoir. According to Meatco’s data base we have 1750 producers who have been slaughtering with Meatco to date.We are committed to serve them in the most efficient manner.
Therefore, as Meatco we stand by our core purpose and reason for our existence in the past 30 years; which is maximising producer prices sustainably within the specific environment of our business operations.
The advantages of the MSU