Meatco was invited to the Agricultural Conference hosted by the Namibian Agronomic Board and the Meat Board of Namibia, as a strategic industry role-player on 2-3 September 2020.
The theme of the conference was, 'Agriculture Fit for The Future-Robust, Resilient and Responsive'.
The conference aimed at developing a common vision among the participants that is supported by coherent strategies in line with existing development plans and policies.
According to Meatco, the conference served as a platform for stakeholders to deliberate on challenges affecting the growth of the agricultural sector as the backbone of the Namibian economy.
The conference took place during the Coronavirus pandemic-induced State of Emergency. This limited the critical participation of key stakeholders, who could provide substantive inputs to the thematic areas that were discussed at the conference to stimulate strategic thinking and robust engagement among the participants about the future of the agriculture sector and its downstream agro-industries.
Meatco, as a strategic national entity that is mandated to promote and coordinate the interests of the livestock producers, strive for the stabilisation of the meat industry in the national interest, acquire and operate abattoirs in the public interest as well as to market the livestock products to the best advantage of livestock producers is deeply concerned about the declining numbers of slaughter ready cattle in Namibia that renders its abattoirs to operate below capacity which has a direct negative impact on the competitiveness, profitability and sustainability of the meat industry. This is one of the key issues that needed to be discussed thoroughly at the conference.
The conference agreed on statements of intent that will further be discussed by an inclusive and representative group to come up with an action plan with clear activities and timelines for decision making through the structures of Government.
Meatco is looking forward to sharing its experience and ideas with the participants at the envisaged inclusive session.
The dynamics of the meat industry have changed over the years. “In the past, production influenced the market, however, in the 21st Century, it is the market that drives production. Therefore, it is important that responsive mechanisms are introduced to enhance farmers to produce according to market requirements.