On 30 April 2020, Meatco underwent an online risk assessment audit for the British Retail Consortium (BRC) annual audit. BRC remains a fundamental accreditation, as it allows Meatco to continue trading with existing markets while opening new marketing opportunities.
The World Health Organisation declared the Coronavirus a Public Health Emergency of International concern on 30 January 2020 and since then businesses globally had to find ways to ensure the smooth continuation of operations.
Russell Simpson, an auditor from KIWA BRC, probed Meatco’s Risk Assessment based on the COVID-19 and the interventions in place and possible mitigations in the event of cases picked up at the factory to avoid any infections at plant level and throughout the entire business. Meatco presented the COVID-19 Management Plan, which was formulated to mitigate possible Coronavirus infections to avoid any operational disruptions and ensure customer confidence in Meatco’s operations.
Further general information that the auditor required was also provided and the risk audit was concluded.
The Risk Assessment Audit conducted is part of the BRC standards onsite audits, Meatco needed to have this assessment done for it to receive an extension of the current certification that expires this month.
Meatco did not have any findings from this audit thus our certificate was extended for six months, which is until December 2020, and the next audit is scheduled for August 2020.