Okakarara Auction Kraals
Meatco, under the Okakarara Farmers’ Association (OKAFA), held a Permit Day at Okakarara on 8 May.
The Permit Day, which was held under strict observation of the Covid-19 lockdown regulations, saw Meatco buy 113 slaughter-ready cattle.
According to Meatco, there were very few weaners at the Permit Day.
Last year, at its farmers’ liaison meetings in the Okakarara area, Meatco urged producers to market more slaughter-ready cattle and 90% of the marketed animals showed that the farmers heeded the request, which is also beneficial for better working relations, Liebenberg said.
Most of the animals we received were of exceptional quality and the farmers were pleased with the price paid out for their animals.
Meatco hosted another Permit Day in Ovitoto under the Kambekura Farmers’ Association on Tuesday, 12 May.
Meatco Personnel procuring cattle at Meatco's Permit Day