06 Sep 2019
Adapted from
The Meat Board, in collaboration with the Directorate Veterinary Services, has started negotiations to increase market access for bone-in beef and lamb to the European Union, China, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. Except for the European Union and, to a lesser extent China, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates offer opportunities to import bone-in products produced north of the Veterinary Cordon Fence under certain conditions. Every potential importing country is measured according to the potential income Namibia could earn, import conditions set by the importing country and the costs to adhere to such conditions. China already imports a certain amount of Namibian beef.
Cattle sector
There was an overall increase in the total marketing of cattle between January and June 2019. Due to drought conditions, livestock exports increased by 10.91% with export abattoirs driving the performance at a 55.35% growth rate on account of drought-induced marketing. Butchers, on the other hand, experienced a decline of 27.75% - losing market share to export abattoirs whose producer prices remained competitive during the second quarter. Although weighted average capacity utilisation of export abattoirs for the first quarter stood at 85.99%, it is worth noting that Meatco registered 104.98% monthly capacity utilisation during the second quarter of 2019, indicating over-capacity utilisation.