In 2016, Meatco, as a responsible corporate citizen, allocated funds to support five deserving students in their studies in the form of 100% bursaries. These bursaries also allowed the recipients the opportunity of hands-on work-related experience in the form of internships at Meatco before they could start working back their bursaries in full-time positions at Meatco.
Naturally, Meatco advertised bursaries in the fields of study that support succession planning for a sustainable company. Our bursary selection committee received hundreds of applications and shortlisted and interviewed 31 students in the past two years to award our bursaries.
One of Meatco’s bursary recipients in 2016 has obtained his qualification and is now working back his bursary at Meatco.
Petrus Kagogo is a naturally academically gifted individual, who completed his studies towards a BSc Eng. in Electro/Mechanical Engineering at Africa’s best tertiary institution, the University of Cape Town (UCT).
“I was born and raised in Okaku in the north of Namibia. I’ve always enjoyed technical applications and courses which were nurtured at Mweshipandeka High School in Ongwediva. The school was founded in 1984 and bears the name of King Mweshipandeka of the Oukwanyama but is also a technical school,” says Kagogo.
Kagogo added that he always enjoys reading up on the latest technology and findings in his field of engineering in order to stay sharp and on the ball. This further allows him to broaden his horizons and expose himself to individuals who share a similar passion.
A true believer in life-long learning, this is not Kagogo ’s first qualification as he previously attended the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST), previously Polytechnic of Namibia.
“Academically, I possess a BSc in Applied Mathematics and Statistics from the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST). Meatco rescued me right before I quit on my journey in Electro/Mechanical Engineering because I could not afford to continue paying for myself. I will forever be thankful for the opportunity and I am happy to be back and applying my skills at Meatco where I also get to assist and supervise those doing their apprenticeship here at Meatco,” says Kagogo.