Meatco strongly urges producers, auctioneers and the entire cattle industry to ensure that animals marketed at any of its facilities or on its permit days are not stolen.
Animals should have clear identifiable stock brands or brand marks as well as ear tags with Radio Frequency Identification Devices (RFID).
Meatco robustly adheres to the Namibia Livestock Identification Traceability System (NamLITS), which is a system implemented by the Meat Board of Namibia to create the ability to track and trace animals for purposes of stock theft, animal disease surveillance and control programmes, managing animal disease emergencies, validating animal health status claims and meat safety guarantees, verifying the Farm Assured Namibian (FAN) Meat quality assurance scheme and facilitating regional and international trade.
Meatco recently learnt that the Okapuka Feedlot bought stolen cattle from a producer, who purchased them from an auction, yet they were stolen. The cattle have since been identified and returned to the rightful owners.
Feedlot Manager, Frikkie Booysen, said: “We have procedures and systems in place to identify animals when stolen.”
Producers are, therefore, encouraged to brand their animals properly with a legal stock brand for easy identification should an animal be stolen.
“Meatco remains committed to the industry and will ensure that all key role players and procedures are safeguarded for the long-term sustainability of the Namibian farming business," Booysen added.