How to use Meatco GO App
1. Open an internet browser either on your phone, tablet or computer and type in:
2. Click on register
3. In the email field type in your email address. (It is important that it is the email that we have on our internal systems. In other words the same one you get the e-news on)
4. Type in the password you like
5. Click submit request
6. You will now be returned to the main page. Type in your email address and password and click login.
Signing delivery agreements
Meatco producers who have registered via the Meatco GO App can sign online for delivery agreements as well as the Special Delivery which began on Monday, 30 April 2018 until Thursday, 24 May 2018.
Signing up for Delivery Agreements for the third period of 2018 (July to September 2018), which is due on 31 May 2018 can also be done via Meatco Go.
Access to slaughter schedule
Producers are able to view the slaughter plan in the instance that they would want to make a change on delivery dates at any time via Meatco GO.
Ease of use
Producers will be able to change delivery dates and view a summary of slaughter statement. Overall, the new system is a better way to serve our valued producers and will also be beneficial to Meatco as a business entity.