Meatco’s Communal Producer of the Year 2016, Esegiel Nguvauva, was recently recognised by the Kambekura Farmers' Association (KFA) at Ovitoto for his inspiration to fellow communal farmers due to his love and attention to detail towards his farm and animals.
Despite being a communal farmer, Nguvauva runs his enterprise like a commercial farm.
He has developed the infrastructure on his farm and he spends a lot of time attending to it.
Nguvauva's farming exploits have not gone unnoticed outside his community of Ovitoto.
As part of his prize for winning the Meatco Communal Producer of the Year for 2016, Nguvauva was awarded a N$40 000 Brahman bull, which was delivered by Meatco to his farm at Okonakuara in Ovitoto in August last year.